The Individuals menu allows you to add and delete individuals, and to control which individuals are displayed in the Individuals tab. To edit the record for an existing individual, click on the Individuals tab if necessary to bring it to the foreground, then click in the cell you wish to change.

Brings up a dialog in which you can add a new individual. In the dialog, you provide values for each attribute. The dialog has three buttons:
Records the new individual and keeps the dialog open.
Records the new individual and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog without recording the new individual.
Deletes any individuals selected in the Individuals tab. Select a single individual by clicking in the leftmost column of its row. Select multiple consecutive individuals by clicking on the first and then shift-clicking on the last (or vice versa). Select multiple non-consecutive individuals by clicking on the first and then control-clicking on others. You will be asked to confirm the deletion before it occurs. Note that deleting an individual irrevocably deletes the record of that individual.
Displays the number of individuals in the project.
Brings up a submenu where you select which individuals to display in the Individuals tab. Options are:
Displays only individuals with incomplete records (lacking values for one or more attributes).
Displays only individuals with a non-numeric entry for at least one numerical attribute.
Selects individuals to display based on a single categorical, numerical or affinity attribute. You select the attribute from a list of available attributes (excluding labels). If you select a categorical or affinity attribute, you are then presented with a list of known values for it, from which you select one. Individuals with that value of the attribute are displayed. If you select a numerical attribute, you are asked to enter the lower and upper limits of a range of values. All individuals whose value falls in that range are displayed. The attribute value filter is only available after you have either generated a domain report (Generate rosters > Report domains) or built a model (Generate rosters > Analyze).
Restricts the display in the Individuals tab to individuals whose ID attribute matches at least one other individual. Normally, there will be no duplicates. When you select an ID attribute with individuals already loaded, or load individuals with an ID attribute already selected, Parity Builder screens for duplicates and appends an underscore ("_") and the individual's row number to the second of the two duplicates. It is possible, however, that while editing individuals you may inadvertently create a duplicate ID, in which case this option becomes useful.
Cancels any other filter and displays all individuals.
Note that if you edit an individual while a filter is in place, and the edit results in the individual no longer meeting the filter criterion, the individual's record will cease being displayed. The record will reappear when you select the Show all option. For instance, if you select the Missing data filter and then fill in the missing values for an individual, that individual's record will vanish from the Individuals tab (until you change or clear the filter).